Appendix C
Unsupported Commands in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE
The show ip mpacket commands are supported but are only useful for packets received at the switch
CPU. If the route is hardware-switched, the command has no effect because the CPU does not receive
the packet and cannot display it.
show ip pim vc [group-address | name] [type number]
show ip rtp header-compression [type number] [detail]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip multicast-routing vrf vrf-name
ip pim accept-rp {address | auto-rp} [group-access-list-number]
ip pim message-interval seconds
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
frame-relay ip rtp header-compression [active | passive]
frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci [broadcast] compress
frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci rtp header-compression [active | passive]
ip igmp helper-address ip-address
ip multicast helper-map {group-address | broadcast} {broadcast-address | multicast-address}
ip multicast rate-limit {in | out} [video | whiteboard] [group-list access-list] [source-list access-list]
ip multicast ttl-threshold ttl-value (instead, use the ip multicast boundary access-list-number
interface configuration command)
ip multicast use-functional
ip pim minimum-vc-rate pps
ip pim multipoint-signalling
ip pim nbma-mode
ip pim vc-count number
ip rtp compression-connections number
ip rtp header-compression [passive]
IP Unicast Routing
Unsupported Privileged EXEC or User EXEC Commands
clear ip accounting [checkpoint]
clear ip bgp address flap-statistics
clear ip bgp prefix-list
Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
IP Unicast Routing