Chapter 2
Cisco IOS Commands for the Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
clear errdisable interface
Use the clear errdisable interface privileged EXEC command on an interface to re-enable a VLAN that
was error disabled.
clear errdisable interface interface-id vlan [vlan-list]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If a VLAN range is not specified, all VLANs on the specified interface are re-enabled. The clear
errdisable command recovers the disabled VLANs on an interface.
Clearing the error-disabled state from a virtual port does not change the link state of the physical port,
and it does not affect other VLAN ports on the physical port. It does post an event to STP, and spanning
tree goes through its normal process of bringing that VLAN port to the appropriate blocking or
forwarding state.
You can re-enable a port by using the shutdown and no shutdown interface configuration commands,
or you can clear error disable for VLANs by using the clear errdisable interface command.
The following example shows how to re-enable all VLANs that were error-disabled on Gigabit Ethernet
port 4/0/2.
The following example shows how to re-enable a range of disabled VLANs on an interaface:
Switch# clear errdisable interface ethernet2 vlan 10-15
Related Commands
errdisable detect cause
errdisable recovery
Specifies interface and port.
(Optional) Specifies a list of VLANs to be re-enabled.
If not specified, then all VLANs are re-enabled.
Added support for per-VLAN error-disable detection.
clear errdisable interface gigabitethernet4/0/2 vlan
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference—Release XE 3.9.xE and 15.2(5)Ex
Enables error-disabled detection for a specific cause or all
Configures the recovery mechanism variables.
clear errdisable interface