Configuring Dial Plans
About Dial Plans
Cisco SPA500 Series and WIP310 IP Phone Administration Guide
Informational numbers
EXAMPLE: ( [1-8]xx | 9, xxxxxxx | 9, <:1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx | 8,
<:1212>xxxxxxx | 9, 1 [2-9] xxxxxxxxx | 9, 1 900 xxxxxxx !
| 9, 011xxxxxx. |
This example includes two digit sequences, separated by the pipe
0 | [49]11
character. The first sequence allows a user to dial 0 for an operator. The second
sequence allows the user to enter 411 for local information or 911 for
emergency services.
Acceptance and Transmission of the Dialed Digits
When a user dials a series of digits, each sequence in the dial plan is tested as a
possible match. The matching sequences form a set of candidate digit sequences.
As more digits are entered by the user, the set of candidates diminishes until only
one or none are valid. When a terminating event occurs, the IP PBX either accepts
the user-dialed sequence and initiates a call, or else rejects the sequence as
invalid. The user hears the reorder (fast busy) tone if the dialed sequence is invalid.
The following table explains how terminating events are processed.
Terminating Event
The dialed digits do not match any
sequence in the dial plan.
The dialed digits exactly match
one sequence in the dial plan.
A timeout occurs.
0 | [49]11
The number is rejected.
If the sequence is allowed by the dial plan, the
number is accepted and is transmitted
according to the dial plan.
If the sequence is blocked by the dial plan, the
number is rejected.
The number is rejected if the dialed digits are not
matched to a digit sequence in the dial plan within
the time specified by the applicable interdigit
The Interdigit Long Timer applies when the
dialed digits do not match any digit sequence
in the dial plan. The default value is 10
The Interdigit Short Timer applies when the
dialed digits match one or more candidate
sequences in the dial plan. The default value is
3 seconds.