Confirmation during replacement or installation
Confirm following items when you remove a part or add a optional unit.
● Install the removed parts to original place in the server.
Install the parts/cables which are removed while removing or adding the other part/cable to
the original place in the server accurately. Missing any parts/cables or installing the
parts/cable incompletely may result in some malfunction.
● Ensure not to leave any parts or screws inside the server.
If the DC power is turned on while a conductive part such as screw is left on the board or the
terminal of cable in the server, some malfunction or failure may occur.
● Check if any cables do not prevent the air flow from cooling the system
If any cables are installed improperly and prevent the air flow, it reduces the cooling effect in
the server, resulting in some malfunction.
● Confirm that the replacement/installation is done properly using tools
Using tools such as System Diagonosis Utility or BIOS Setup Utility, confirm that the
part/device is replaced/installed properly. Please refer to the replacingt/installing operation
of each part/device for detail
● Clear the maintenance mode setting after the operation.