▀ eWAG Configuration
Configuring the eWAG Service
This section describes how to configure the eWAG service for the following deployments:
Configuring Stand-alone eWAG Deployment
Configuring eWAG GGSN Combo Deployment
Configuring Stand-alone eWAG Deployment
For a stand-alone eWAG deployment use the following configuration:
context <context_name>
ipsg-service <ipsg_service_name> mode radius-server ewag
#To associate an SGTP service:
associate sgtp-service <sgtp_service_name> [ context <sgtp_context_name> ]
#To bind the eWAG service to a logical AAA interface and configure the number of
subscriber sessions allowed:
bind address <ipv4/ipv6_address> [ max-subscribers <max_sessions> | port
<port_number> | source-context <source_context_name> ]
#To configure location-specific mobile network identifiers:
plmn id mcc <mcc_number> mnc <mnc_number>
#To enable APN profile for eWAG and optionally configure the default APN:
profile APN [ default-apn <default_apn_name> ]
#To configure QoS DSCP parameters:
ip { gnp-qos-dscp | qos-dscp } qci { { { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 9 } | { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 }
allocation-retention-priority { 1 | 2 | 3 } } { af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 |
af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | be | ef | pt } } +
#To configure RADIUS dictionary:
radius dictionary <dictionary_name>
#To configure RADIUS accounting parameters:
radius accounting { client { <ipv4/ipv6_address> | <ipv4/ipv6_address/mask> } [
encrypted ] key <key> [ acct-onoff [ aaa-context <aaa_context_name> ] [ aaa-group
<aaa_server_group_name> ] [ clear-sessions ] + ] [ dictionary <dictionary_name> ] [
disconnect-message [ dest-port <destination_port_number> ] + | interim create-new-call }
#To configure timeout for eWAG session setup attempts:
setup-timeout <setup_timeout>
▄ Cisco ASR 5000 Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Administration Guide
Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Configuration