enter rate:0 = 9600,
4 = 19200, 5 = 38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200
change the boot characteristics? y/n
enabled are:
break/abort has effect
console baud:9600
boot:the ROM Monitor
do you wish to change the configuration? y/n
cont [-b]—Continues a loaded image that has stopped. The -b option sets the requested break points
before continuing.
For example:
reboot >
monitor: command "launch" aborted due to user interrupt
diagmon 7 > cont
context—Displays the CPU context at the time of the fault. The context from kernel mode and
process mode of a booted image is displayed, if available.
For example:
rommon 6 > context
CPU Context:
d0 - 0x00000028
d1 - 0x00000007
d2 - 0x00000007
d3 - 0x00000000
d4 - 0x00000000
d5 - 0x02003e8a
d6 - 0x00000000
d7 - 0x00000001
pc - 0x02004adc
cookie—Displays the contents of the cookie PROM in hexadecimal format.
For example:
rommon 1 > cookie
00 01 01 31 03 15 03 20 00 14 33 01 30 11 4a 41
42 30 33 35 31 30 37 38 32 00 00 00 00 00 13 63
0c 1d 00 00 00 00 11 11 22 22 33 33 44 44 55 55
66 66 77 77 88 88 99 99 00 00 11 11 22 22 33 33
ff 00 30 96 f8 00 7a ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
OL-3418-02 B0
1 = 4800,
Configuration Summary
(Virtual Configuration Register:0x0)
a0 - 0x0ff00420
a1 - 0x0ff00000
a2 - 0x02004088
a3 - 0x020039e6
a4 - 0x02002a70
a5 - 0x02003f17
a6 - 0x02003938
a7 - 0x0200392c
vbr - 0x02000000
Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide
2 = 1200,
3 = 2400
ROM Monitor Commands