Cisco ASR 920-10SZ-PD and Cisco ASR-920-8S4Z-PD Routers Initial Configuration
To configure a router from the console, you must connect a terminal or terminal server to the console port on
the router. To configure the router using the management Ethernet port, you must have the router's IP address.
Accessing the CLI Using the Console
To access the command line interface using the console, follow these steps:
Step 1
When your system is booting, type No at the prompt.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
Step 2
Press Return to enter the user EXEC mode.
The following prompt is displayed:
Step 3
From the user EXEC mode, enter the enable command, as shown in the following example:
Step 4
At the password prompt, enter your system password, as shown in the following example. If an enable password
has not been set on your system, you can skip this step.
Password: enablepass
When your password is accepted, the privileged EXEC mode prompt is displayed:
You now have access to the CLI in the privileged EXEC mode. You can enter the necessary commands to
complete the required tasks.
Step 5
To exit the console session, enter the quit command, as shown in the following example:
Router# quit
Configuring Global Parameters
When you first start the setup program, configure the global parameters. These parameters are used for
controlling system-wide settings. Perform the following steps to enter the global parameters:
Step 1
Connect a console terminal to the console port, and then boot the router. For more information on connecting
a console terminal, see Connecting Console Cables section.
Cisco ASR 920-10SZ-PD and Cisco ASR-920-8S4Z-PD Aggregation Services Router Hardware Installation Guide
The following is only an example of the output display; prompts may vary.
Accessing the CLI Using the Console