Note: The thread tension will need to be adjusted
anytime the thread is changed. Follow the process
below to adjust the thread tension for the thread you
have selected. See page 30 for more information about
properly tensioning your thread.
1. Set the bobbin case, with the bobbin inside, in your hand on
its side and pull up on the thread. The thread should pull the
bobbin case vertical and the thread should flow out of the bob-
bin without lifting the bobbin off of your hand. If the bobbin pulls
out of your hand, the tension is too tight and will need to be
loosened. If the thread flows out of the bobbin on its side but
does not pull the bobbin vertical the tension is too loose and will
need to be tightened.
2. To adjust the bobbin tension, locate the larger of the two
screws on the bobbin case. Tighten the tension in minute ad-
justments by twisting the large screw to the right or clockwise.
To loosen, twist the large screw to the left or counterclockwise
3. Adjust the top thread tension after the bobbin tension is es-
tablished. Start with the knob loose, so that none of the screw
is showing, then slowly increase the tension until the thread
tension is balanced and the thread knots in the middle layers of
your fabric.
Turn the screw clockwise to
increase bobbin tension and
counter-clockwise to decrease
bobbin tension.
Adjusting Thread Tension
When the thread is
pulled the bobbin
will turn clockwise.