Configuring Mode FPoS (Position Functions)
Time processing of the functions defined in FdEF is determined in the FPoS mode. Time proc-
essing of the functions is inserted chronologically correctly between the input and output func-
tions. Positioning is effected by setting a pairing positioning number (question) in dd2 and arith-
metic block (answer) in dd1 and becomes valid on switching to the next question or when
returning to the configuring preselection mode after FPos.
Only defined functions appear in the answer cycle, already positioned functions are automati-
cally deleted from the answer cycle.
When positioning, the guideline applies that the input variables of a function must already have
been calculated before the function is are processed. Since this requirement cannot be met, it
must be taken into account that values from the previous cycle are used for operation in the
case of feedbacks.
D Reactions in FPoS, if a change has been made in FdEF
Deleting a function with ndEF
The arithmetic block is deleted from the positioning sequence. The processing order of
the remaining arithmetic blocks stays the same. The gap is closed automatically by shift-
ing together (auto--delete).
Overwriting the arithmetic blocks with another function
The time positioning remains the same
Existing positioning sequences can be corrected with inSt, dElt and nPos (in the answer
D Function inSt (insert)
To insert a not yet positioned function in an existing positioning sequence.
Set the position number with tA6/7 instead of which the not yet positioned function block is
to be inserted. Set inSt with tA2/3, the Enter LED flashes and indicates that the Enter key is
On pressing the Enter key tA4 the set position number nr** is indicated with nPoS and the
Enter LED goes out.
The previous positioning sequence is shifted up one position from nr**, the nr** can now be
overwritten with the still free function. If the end of the positioning sequence is reached by
the inSt function, the function cannot be executed (Enter LED does not go out).
D Function dELt (delete)
To close nPoS-gaps within a positioning sequence. Set the position number to be deleted
with tA6/7. Set dELt with tA2/3, the Enter LED flashes and indicates that Enter key tA4 is
active. On pressing the Enter key the set position number nr** is identified with the function
of the following position number. The previous positioning sequence is moved down one
position number from nr**. When all defined functions have been positioned, the dELt func-
tion is only offered at positions with assigned nPoS.
3.3 Configuring Mode (Parameterization and Configuring Mode)
3.3.8 Configuring Mode FPoS (Position Functions)
3 Operation