To remove the last party from the conference, press CONF key if you are at the desk station or the EndConf key if you are
using a cordless handset.
Note: The party that was called last is dropped from the conference and conversation continues with the original caller.
To connect the two parties in the conference without including yourself .n the call, press the REL key if you are at the desk
station or the END key if you are using a cordless handset.
Note: If both other parties are on external lines, all calls are disconnected.
To end the conference call between all parties, you will need to remove the last party as described above and then hang up
the remaining call.
The Call Barge In feature allows the desk station to connect to an external line that is in use by a phone not associated with this
telephone system. If this feature is enabled, the desk station can connect to an existing conversation on the external line selected.
For information on how to configure the Call Barge-In feature, see Chapter 7 Customizing Your System.
To barge in on a call, press the corresponding line key
Call Barge In